Monday, October 31, 2011

Wedding Week Part 2: Engagement Story

In August we decided to take our first long road trip together. We pack our bags from our first apartment, in our first car we bought together. We decided to go to North Carolina to so Eric could meet my best pal, and I could meet his. They both happened to live in North Carolina too. Anyways here is our little engagement story, I'll keep it short and sweet because it is kind of personal to us you know? 

 Some scenic overlook in the mountains
 One scary bridge that I did NOT enjoy driving over
 At least I had this trusty driver

We stayed with my friend Hannah during the trip, and before we meet up with Eric's friends, we took some photos looking all GQ.

The following day we went to breakfast together, we walked around the mall together, Eric decided to take the car and clean every inch of it. We took a drive near Cherry Point (USMC base), for the grand tour. Eric spent 4 years living there (well when he wasn't deployed). Oh BTW, I met Eric after his active duty commitment. New Bern is a fun town, with lots of historic buildings with beautiful structure. Then he took me to my first hibachi dining experience. After that we took a drive to the beach. During the entire trip we had yet to visit the sandy beach (we checked our the pier in Wilmington the first day we got there). We walked around, hand in hand, you know, the normal first beach walk. We sat in the sand together. I remember the only thing I could hear was the waves crashing down. Eric was behind me, and he had leaned back, I thought he was falling and he quickly responded he was just stretching. Then he reach around with a simple diamond ring, and asked me to marry him. I think you know what I said! ;)

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